Thursday, October 19, 2006

Disinfectant For Carpet

just lost her little angel ... Emile

I think you are very strong - I wish you lots of love and courage to overcome this ordeal, and I know you do not miss either one or the other ...

ira sweetie, take care of you, it will be a next time.

I kiss you, Mom

Saturday, October 14, 2006

How Do Hibachi Cookscallops

or Lili-Rose, blue or pink, boy or girl

Benjamine is pregnant, what happiness.

To my delight, I am a grandmother. Already I get angry, I get angry ... what do you, I'm like that. I look forward to this little creature is there - I know, I know - in nine months "granny".

Being a grandparent is just great! If you already are, you experience this happiness.

I will never forget the moments when life awarded me this intimate gift, a significant gift in my heart. In a few months I will become the third time Grandma. I'll be at the height of this relationship that I already filled with happiness.

I look forward ...

Thursday, October 5, 2006

Letter Of Introduction For A Staffing Agency


Last night she did a pregnancy test. The test has confirmed it is indeed pregnant! HE and SHE did not leap to the ceiling. They were still afraid, afraid to make a false joy, fear of losing face. They have already lived, they have not forgotten. Without becoming fatalistic or negative, they are only slightly more aware of the risks, they no longer take things for granted. This morning she was again another test that was positive too. She is happy, very happy, believe me, but I know it will be full when it will hear the heart beat of her baby. You know, during the first weeks of pregnancy we are a little incredulous, we are in doubt. Fortunately

time reassures us ...