Friday, March 30, 2007

How Do I Give A Vote Of Thanks At A Wedding

Duo Ice - The couple Dubreuil and Lauzon

World Championships Figure Skating Tokyo
are an opportunity to devilish duo.
Like the tango, the positions are sometimes suggestive .

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Thank You Letter To Coaching Staff

In the skin of another

I do not know about you, but I sometimes I'm tired of being me. I dream of my TV wearing the skin of another.

If I had a new me ...

  • I would change my knees for a younger model less "worn"
  • I stop to tie knots in the stomach for stuff that does not really worth the trouble
  • I would win lots of money in a part-time work (need ambition in life) I would lose 20kgs
  • I no longer need to sleep 10 hours to be fully operational
  • I would go to the pool 3 times per week
  • I set the paperwork as and when it happens instead of throwing it away in a corner and attack me when the battery collapses and I can not see the office late at night
  • I resist the call of the blog and I would go to sleep.

    Oh yes, someone else I dream from time to time, do not you?
    There are things that I do not like about me. I would change ... stuff. Trivial or important. Especially important. But I would keep some features anyway because finally there are also things I like in me ...

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Women Playing W Themseifs

Finding the age of a person! One Monday

Everyone knows you do not ask how old a woman ...
Here is a scientific method in 3 steps for determining a person's age from his phone number.

  1. Ask the person to reverse the last four digits of their phone number to produce a new four-digit number. Ask them to subtract the new number of her phone number, or vice versa, whichever is smaller. Do not ask the answer! For example, a phone number *** as 4567 would become 7654, then the person must subtract 4567 (the smallest number) of 7654 (the largest new issue), which gives 3087.
  2. Ask the person to add together the digits of the resulting number and repeat the process until it remains only a single digit. Do not ask the answer! In our example, 3087 would become 8 3 +0 +7 = 18 and 18 becomes 1 +8 = 9 (a single digit number).
  3. Finally, ask the person to subtract this number to single digits the last two digits of their year of birth. Ask Now the answer! You will be able to tell the age of the person and his birth year!

How does it work? The last number obtained from the calculations of steps 1 to 3 is always 9. Then you add 9 to secretly result that the person gives you and you will be able to tell her age! Try it with someone who really does not want to reveal his age.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Plackarnia Katowice Ul Jankego


Chapleau visionary? yes. This cartoon is from 1992. Mario Dumont, which gradually turns into Robert Bourassa. That our new leader of the opposition.

The results of last night caught everyone by surprise, me first. It's clear, Quebeckers have condemned a policy that is both too leftist and too PQ's referendum showed a widespread disregard of the Liberal Party by voting for Super Mario-the-Real Business- .

For my part, I think Andre Boisclair is not quite white in the failure of the Parti Quebecois. The current does not pass. The blame should be attributed to the message or the messenger? A

questi0n __Pensez for you if you Pauline Marois became PQ leader, things would have turned out differently in this election? Pauline was a true politician passionate. All

ka !!!!!!!! it boils in a pot of strong PQ ....

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Where To Buy Essie Nail Polish Nyc

indictment against the election signs

The exception that proves the rule ...

All those other parties are:

  • Useless, because they do not convince nor discourage anyone from voting for either party.

  • Costly, because they are numerous and installed in unusual places as two liberal posters on one corner. Also costly for their installation and to remove them - it says When they think of them off ...

  • Little green because most will end up in landfills and pollute all visually.

    I liked the PQ ....

Cellular Respirstion Ap Essay

policy ...

... everyone understands to talk about but nobody really knows what it is ...

To meditate is a little ...