Thursday, March 29, 2007

Thank You Letter To Coaching Staff

In the skin of another

I do not know about you, but I sometimes I'm tired of being me. I dream of my TV wearing the skin of another.

If I had a new me ...

  • I would change my knees for a younger model less "worn"
  • I stop to tie knots in the stomach for stuff that does not really worth the trouble
  • I would win lots of money in a part-time work (need ambition in life) I would lose 20kgs
  • I no longer need to sleep 10 hours to be fully operational
  • I would go to the pool 3 times per week
  • I set the paperwork as and when it happens instead of throwing it away in a corner and attack me when the battery collapses and I can not see the office late at night
  • I resist the call of the blog and I would go to sleep.

    Oh yes, someone else I dream from time to time, do not you?
    There are things that I do not like about me. I would change ... stuff. Trivial or important. Especially important. But I would keep some features anyway because finally there are also things I like in me ...


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