Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Plackarnia Katowice Ul Jankego


Chapleau visionary? yes. This cartoon is from 1992. Mario Dumont, which gradually turns into Robert Bourassa. That our new leader of the opposition.

The results of last night caught everyone by surprise, me first. It's clear, Quebeckers have condemned a policy that is both too leftist and too PQ's referendum showed a widespread disregard of the Liberal Party by voting for Super Mario-the-Real Business- .

For my part, I think Andre Boisclair is not quite white in the failure of the Parti Quebecois. The current does not pass. The blame should be attributed to the message or the messenger? A

questi0n __Pensez for you if you Pauline Marois became PQ leader, things would have turned out differently in this election? Pauline was a true politician passionate. All

ka !!!!!!!! it boils in a pot of strong PQ ....


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