Friday, October 15, 2010

Crane Heart Rate Monitor Manual

Azure and steel

Following his residency writer between the walls of the psychiatric hospital Armentieres, Lucien Suel had written "The patience of Maureen, his beautiful second novel.

Today he gives us" Azure and steel, very beautiful heraldic title for a poetic constructed from an immersion in literary Fives Lille neighborhood called " plant, a 17-ha industrial lung, fallow and returned in conversion. In steel and glass under Fives Cail Babcock, up to 6000 workers forged thousands of locomotives, rails, railway bridges, stations such as Orsay or to dig the Channel tunnel. And then the economic machine is inexorably coming halt the beautiful human work. The financial gain was made in the machinery and the working class was left on the floor, kicked out of her history and the "factory" left to rust ... it reopens for Heritage Days. During

three months, Lucien Suel surveyed this place of joy and suffering, questioned the collective social memory, collected the feelings of ordinary passersby, in the past questioned the pavement, this bitumen as the future of tomorrow. Inventoried at the same Depardon any signs of friction. For three months he asked of words, words, words made of bricks, mirroring local material eventually build its own memorial book, like a song wall to the glory of this popular area where a certain Pierre Degeyter , rigger fivois had created the "International". Lucien Suel is neither an ethnologist, neither a sociologist nor a historian, is a poet who does not report but mounts all small or large events in emotion. Who do not read things, but sees them. Who does not show the space but dwells. He is a poet whose language gives new breath to the atmosphere, a beautiful soul brick instead. Mason whose verb always and ever upwards.

Note if you buy the book, additional audio download.

Lucien Suel reads a compact version and slightly retouched with colors by Laura Chailloux diatonic. As a means Long blues absolutely heartbreaking galloping along the vocal cords.

editions "The cons alley"


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