Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Milena Velba In Bra Petit

Small and other

Journey in Bonneval October 21, our great cocksucking sapper atmosphere denouncing the drying of the neck bagnolesque organized by our life Essenciel refiners and diesel this brief was stained with zinc popular " And it is still the little ones who will drink, not the other ... " Small ... obviously not under six feet, but then that's when we are small? far, which catch the belt? and other , which are hell, which are they? At which end of the tax shield? At what level of oil? In any case, these, as implied by the projection, do not drink, do not clink glasses. So there are indeed two France, that of small and that of other .

Without doubt, a sort of Freudian slip for the ruler, since his enthronement by Fouquet's for other behalf of small . Labor together more, earn more, longer, ever more. And when trinqueurs see red themselves hoarse in the streets, the famous people who elected proclament à son écoute estiment que c'est le résultat d'un déficit de communication. Que, plus tard, ils n'auront pas assez de maux pour les remercier. Qu'en gros, ils sont des aveugles au pays des éclairés par la seule électricité du suffrage universel.

Mais alors comment justifier le gavage d'une réforme, celle des retraites, qui ne figurait pas au catalogue du candidat Sarko en 2007 ? Peut-elle être frappée de l'onction d'un suffrage majoritaire? Non. Ceux qui ne sont pas les autres, attendent toujours l'explication rational leader. Lengthening the life of walkers? Paying insufficient pigs? Broken scale of birth? Lengthening of the unemployed? System imbalance? Nervous? Policy? Financial? Here we touch the bone. And if the premium pension problem was prolonging survival other. The rats in the garbage crisis.

The proposed reform today is in addition to the people left in payment by the apprentices, these financial pox of business, real dung of ringing, cannibals ties. That's double rations crisis and purging administered by the same people who poured oil on Soaring bank. But since small sugarcoat have done great and bleeding must spit in the small pelvis.

Again we must respond to the voracity of the market. Throw him in the mouth the vertebra diamond jubilee. Yet for many small , retirement is not a problem but a solution. A solution to their operation, their physical deterioration, their psychological death, their desire for suicide, their desire for freedom, their desire to live. If the work was, for the majority, what it is for other , a time of achievement, fulfillment and happiness in the meadow with the sorrel to the key, the small would probably least want to give a great blow pump to other.


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