Monday, April 23, 2007

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How to fight against global warming?

This article explains how deforestation could help fight against global warming in some regions of the world in some northern latitudes, like in Siberia or Canada. However, the authors of the study are unanimous in recognizing the benefits of the rainforest on global warming.

Environment, Tuesday, April 10, 2007, p. A19

Deforestation can help against global warming Climate


Washington - Contrary to popular belief, deforestation in some parts of the world, can help fight against global warming, according to a study published United States yesterday.

Deforestation releases carbon dioxide (CO2), the main greenhouse gas and contributes to global warming but under certain latitude as Siberia, Northern Europe and Canada , where reigns the boreal forest, trees can contribute to global warming by absorbing more solar radiation, said the study published in the Reports of the Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS).

controlled deforestation of the boreal forest and its replacement by pasture and shrubs can help reverse global warming, says the study.

For cons, the deforestation of the rainforest, described by investigators as "air of the Earth", plays a significant role in warming climate.

Scientists at the Carnegie, a private research institute and the U.S. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, have computer simulated the effects of extensive deforestation around the globe and studied the negative and positive forest cover at different latitudes to arrive at these conclusions.

"A strategy for reforestation in the fight against global warming must take into account not only the fact that trees absorb CO2, but also their ability to create depending on latitude, evaporation they retain water, clouds that help to reflect heat or to absorb it by shade in colder areas where there is snow, "said Ken Caldeira, an official this study.

The researchers stressed that they did not plead for a cooler areas deforestation.

"Our study shows that only tropical forests contribute significantly to reduce the phenomenon of global warming, "said Govindasamy Bala of his side's Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, one of the co-authors of this research.

© 2007 The Press. All rights reserved.

Congratulation Engagement Wording

Focus on a piece of cloth

In our discussions on the public square, those of our cottages in the headlines and even more particularly this last weekend, wearing Sailing still raises passions.

picture from an article on the site of LCN

Why so much discussion on this subject?

Because we women (and some men too) know that wearing the veil has more than a religious significance as claimed by the religious leaders. The veil has a bearing on the religious, politically and especially sexually.

Clearly, there will be more veiled women on the planet plus the number of members will grow and become more visible Islam show the world its demographic power. Is this not a political significance? Like it or not, the forces that animate religious thought are always political.

Historically, attempts to make us believe that a god be infinite and intangible asked women to dress in such a way on earth. How can anyone believe such a story. A god almighty says saying the woman, being that he created, is a being of sins and to prevent the crime she should cover her head.

Come on, all these religious rites, are men, men unable to control this woman. These rites are not human inventions inventions divine. These inventions are walking. So why change when it retains the power of fear ... So, keeping women in ignorance, by maintaining a blind faith, they manage to make them feel, without veil, as a waste intercourse. They then have no choice but to hide their head and face to protect men and obey their god.

If this is not sexual repression that what is it? If this is not the hatred of women that what is it?

We are far from harmless piece of cloth . . . in a taekwondo tournament ...

It is far from the choice to wear the hijab of five young Muslim ...

Oh yes, what age did they already? between 8 and 12 years. That young to make such a choice.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

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Beware of April Fools

Today, I switched to two fingers so two little fingers getting caught. Eldest daughter, pro fish in April, had concocted a whole scenario very plausible but I admit I was an unfortunate word " titillated titillates the " and I did not believe her. Cons by my father took the bait and the joke was right laugh.

Friday, March 30, 2007

How Do I Give A Vote Of Thanks At A Wedding

Duo Ice - The couple Dubreuil and Lauzon

World Championships Figure Skating Tokyo
are an opportunity to devilish duo.
Like the tango, the positions are sometimes suggestive .

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Thank You Letter To Coaching Staff

In the skin of another

I do not know about you, but I sometimes I'm tired of being me. I dream of my TV wearing the skin of another.

If I had a new me ...

  • I would change my knees for a younger model less "worn"
  • I stop to tie knots in the stomach for stuff that does not really worth the trouble
  • I would win lots of money in a part-time work (need ambition in life) I would lose 20kgs
  • I no longer need to sleep 10 hours to be fully operational
  • I would go to the pool 3 times per week
  • I set the paperwork as and when it happens instead of throwing it away in a corner and attack me when the battery collapses and I can not see the office late at night
  • I resist the call of the blog and I would go to sleep.

    Oh yes, someone else I dream from time to time, do not you?
    There are things that I do not like about me. I would change ... stuff. Trivial or important. Especially important. But I would keep some features anyway because finally there are also things I like in me ...

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Women Playing W Themseifs

Finding the age of a person! One Monday

Everyone knows you do not ask how old a woman ...
Here is a scientific method in 3 steps for determining a person's age from his phone number.

  1. Ask the person to reverse the last four digits of their phone number to produce a new four-digit number. Ask them to subtract the new number of her phone number, or vice versa, whichever is smaller. Do not ask the answer! For example, a phone number *** as 4567 would become 7654, then the person must subtract 4567 (the smallest number) of 7654 (the largest new issue), which gives 3087.
  2. Ask the person to add together the digits of the resulting number and repeat the process until it remains only a single digit. Do not ask the answer! In our example, 3087 would become 8 3 +0 +7 = 18 and 18 becomes 1 +8 = 9 (a single digit number).
  3. Finally, ask the person to subtract this number to single digits the last two digits of their year of birth. Ask Now the answer! You will be able to tell the age of the person and his birth year!

How does it work? The last number obtained from the calculations of steps 1 to 3 is always 9. Then you add 9 to secretly result that the person gives you and you will be able to tell her age! Try it with someone who really does not want to reveal his age.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Plackarnia Katowice Ul Jankego


Chapleau visionary? yes. This cartoon is from 1992. Mario Dumont, which gradually turns into Robert Bourassa. That our new leader of the opposition.

The results of last night caught everyone by surprise, me first. It's clear, Quebeckers have condemned a policy that is both too leftist and too PQ's referendum showed a widespread disregard of the Liberal Party by voting for Super Mario-the-Real Business- .

For my part, I think Andre Boisclair is not quite white in the failure of the Parti Quebecois. The current does not pass. The blame should be attributed to the message or the messenger? A

questi0n __Pensez for you if you Pauline Marois became PQ leader, things would have turned out differently in this election? Pauline was a true politician passionate. All

ka !!!!!!!! it boils in a pot of strong PQ ....

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

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indictment against the election signs

The exception that proves the rule ...

All those other parties are:

  • Useless, because they do not convince nor discourage anyone from voting for either party.

  • Costly, because they are numerous and installed in unusual places as two liberal posters on one corner. Also costly for their installation and to remove them - it says When they think of them off ...

  • Little green because most will end up in landfills and pollute all visually.

    I liked the PQ ....

Cellular Respirstion Ap Essay

policy ...

... everyone understands to talk about but nobody really knows what it is ...

To meditate is a little ...

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

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Please Be vigilant

I read this text this morning from at Miss Patata .

Like all users of Desjardins I knew that these fraudulent emails existed but see me even more turned on ...... Thank you very much Miss


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

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What about this notion of work ...

Here is an article published in the journal News in December 2006.

to work!
Our American neighbors work longer hours than the Japanese. They have one thing is certain.

by Jean-François Lisée
published in News of 15 December 2006

This course, Quebeckers work "infinitely less" than Americans. This is my former boss and friend Lucien Bouchard, who always says. It's true that we work much more than the British and the Swedes (the leftists), Dutch (florists), the Norwegians (uh ...), French (hedonists) and even the Germans (this that gives a little spooky). But hey, it is necessary, as they say, 'shine among the best, "and the source of this brilliant, it's sweat. To work as much as Americans, we must learn from them home and apply their methods.

uncap : Quebec set to 50 (is 48 in Europe) the maximum number of hours worked per week. Misery. United States: no limit. Think big! Excellent result: lots of overtime, including one in five made by the employee against her will. (A new Bush moreover eliminated the payment for those hours plus eight million employees by treating them simply as frames. Clever, no?)

Déplanchéier: Quebec requires employers to grant 10 days paid leave per year, 15 after five years. A call to laziness. In the States? No floor! The employer may decide not to give any leave. One in four has no access.

To privilege the work rather than family : Under the pretext of encouraging the family, the Quebec agrees long leave for mothers (one year to tickle-tickle instead of tightening the bolts!) In addition to sending checks. Only some Europeans are better. Our neighbors to the south, which are much more babies than we have found the right formula. They seem generous with 12 big weeks of leave per parent, but here's the trick: leave is unpaid. No money, no candy! It works: The average maternity leave is 10 days. And the trend is heavy: Parents Americans have 22 hours of leisure per week less than 30 years ago.

Motivate, motivate, motivate : There is no work ethic if the employee is not well motivated. And what better motivation than poverty! The figures indicate that only 5% of unemployed in the U.S. (rather than 8% for us) but 18% of poor (rather than 9% for us) make you confused? Because, there, we can work hard but still poor. Quebec governments, including that of Lucien Bouchard (bad advice), have consistently raised the minimum wage. The States, nay. It is frozen for nearly 10 years ($ 5.15), while the cost of living has increased 26%. It's not all. The median family income in the last five years has dropped by $ 2 000 - full recovery! Magnificent. Result: you have to work longer hours to stay afloat. Often, one job per person is no longer enough.

Désyndiquer: One of the great evils of Quebec, as everyone knows, is the deplorable unionization rate (40%). United States, it is more than 14%, falling fast. (Remember: their employers fire one in 20 workers trying to unionize. These dismissals are illegal. Fortunately, the state rarely prevails.) However, unionization is a terrible disincentive to longer working hours. A union member earns 13% more than non-unionized. It is worse for women: 35% more! It's completely demotivated. In addition, union helps to ensure that income inequality are lower in Quebec, when they explode in the United States. The results are indisputable: Commerce indicated in September that the U.S. share of national income going to wages (rather than profits) is the lowest for 77 years.

Follow this guide: The largest private employer, Wal-Mart, with 1.3 million employees in the United States, shows us the path. Salaries are low (6.35 per hour part-time, $ 9.00 per hour full time), the unions are persecuted. Good. But all is not rosy. Memos that have leaked to the media sounded the alarm: salaries and benefits tend to increase as these workers are traitors to the employer stroke of loyalty. Too long in the same job, they go in pay scales ... Fortunately, Wal-Mart has a plan: from 20% to 40% the proportion of part-time employees and, since August, impose a salary cap for more old. In some cases, prevent older employees sit on stools. They will finally understand.

we can see, put people to work requires a multifaceted effort, sustained, determined. Nothing to explain, I'm exhausted.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

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We play a tag game

To meet the demand of IT

  1. Catch the book nearest you, go to page 18 and write the 4th line "This is not some t-shirts that take the place, right?" The Shopaholic in Manhattan by Sophie Kinsella.
  2. What is the last thing you watched on TV? The program challenges Radio-Canada
  3. Without checking, guess what time it is? 8:30 p.m. Check
  4. it is : 8:39 p.m.
  5. Apart from the noise of the computer what do you mean? My boyfriend listening to the hockey game on channel 13
  6. When you go out for the last time, and what have you done? I went out last night to go to Alain's son my boyfriend and I received all three of my boyfriend son with their wives for dinner (Chantale had graciously lent her home for this occasion because my apartment is too small)
  7. What are you wearing? A fleece sweater red and navy fleece pants too - PCQ's cold tonight.
  8. Before answering this questionnaire were you doing? I washed the dishes from supper.
  9. did you dream last night? I can not remember but I know I dreamed this morning very early in my second nap.
  10. Who Has the walls where you are? On the wall in front of me there is a shelf on which I placed £ 5, a dispenser, a stapler, a Bescherelle, a box of blank CDs, paper clips and my book of business cards.
  11. Have you seen something strange today? Yes, my boyfriend was cleaning the bathroom
  12. What do you think of this questionnaire? I highly doubt its usefulness
  13. What was the last movie you saw? " A Night at the Museum "with my oldest daughter and two small cabbage and Frederique Gabriel
  14. If you become a millionaire in the night, what's the first thing you would buy? An airline ticket to Baie-Comeau to go until the movers that I sent to my home.
  15. Tell us something we do not know? Our trade on the North Shore is for sale
  16. If you could change anything in the world to share the guilt and politics what would you change? I will invent a medicine against cancer
  17. Do you like dancing ? I love dance but I dance badly (according to my daughters)
  18. George Bush? Explaining the relentlessness of the father when he was president, to arm, finance Saddam Hussein? Then, twelve years later, the son of hard to want to destroy the very Hussein?
  19. Have you ever thought of living abroad has? Yes, younger I wanted to go into exile in Africa and working for the Red Cross.
  20. What would you think God tells you when you arrive in paradise? Already!
  21. What are the next 4 victims you choose to respond to this questionnaire? Those who wish well.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

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Last night at the Golden Globe Awards

Not too much makeup,
a simple dress in a fluid fabric ....
Everything stays true to her all these years.
I love this woman.

Monday, January 15, 2007

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Let it snow ...

Outside it is snowing, today is my first aqua-form. Arriving at CEGEP, after having to wait at least 10 minutes prior to ride with the car that would not stop from fogging on the inside, I walk around to find a parking spot.

A tower, two towers, three towers and no parking. All parking meters are used. It snows in full, I see virtually nothing. A maintenance worker trying somehow to clean the steps of entry. The "ladies" arrive at the race, too late. It was as if we had never seen snow in our lives. Yep, it's been it snowed. People forget quickly. That

a place becomes available. I parked the car and sneaks. I go up and soon possible to the pool. Soon I'm in the shower, pick up my briefcase and takes me over. My eyes meet the clock in the upper left - 11 h 30.

Everything comes and goes stole 30 minutes of my course. Never mind, I'll get the max - 30 minutes is better than nothing.

Moral of this story, when it snows - I'll leave earlier.

Tiffany & Co Commercial

Impala white father

When I was little, sitting in the back seat of the Chevrolet Impala white father, I spent all the paths that led us to the neighboring villages to hold my feeling sick and watching by the way femêtre shirk. Nothing could detach myself from this window. In the car, the family was on the lookout, asking all this when I ask my father to stop the car for me to go throw the body on the roadside. This made me so unhappy. I dreaded Sundays (usually we go out on Sunday) because I knew I still suffer from being seated behind to endure the centrifugal force of cornering, braking and acceleration and summer, the dust of our roads of "Garnotte." was the time when everyone was rolling at full speed without being attached. Exceeded everyone somehow on country roads and we suspect, the rear passengers, did trust our driver.

My father and my father smoked in that time. I so wanted them to refrain from smoking in the car. I was greatly upset by the smell of smoke from their multiple cigarettes. Did they save their lungs and they carried those children? Well no, it was fashionable to smoke. No one saw no link between the smell of cigarette smoke, being seated on the bench back and my sickness. Each trip by car or bus, later when I was a boarder, I was green with evil and fear. Until one day ... ..

I enrolled in CEGEP in Montreal. I assure you that I had to "concentrate very hard" not to be ill during the bus rides. There was no question that I'm the laughingstock of everyone. And ... I managed.

Today, I drive. Whenever possible, if I do not drive, I sit in the front seat and I ask people who are with me not to smoke. I thus spare myself many ailments because you see I'm still remained fragile. ...

If I tell you this today because I just saw on TV advertising of GRAVOL where people face serious green. What made me say "This reminds me of many bad memories."

Sunday, January 7, 2007

List Of All 151 Pokemon

Hot water supplied

Earlier, I plunged my hand into the tub. The water was not hot enough. I closed the cold water to flush the hot while I undress, then I shut the hot water and let myself slowly slide into the tub ... to come out so quickly. Not yet! damned - there is no hot water.

The joy and pleasure of living in an apartment "hot water supplied"

Friday, January 5, 2007

Tips For Dishwashing At A Restaurant

War or the maintenance Peace? The dilemma of reservists

According to Colonel Hébert Canadian Armed Forces, the difference between a regular soldier and a reservist is that the regular soldier has an obligation to serve and the reservist always has the choice to serve or not. But he said the government could, if necessary, pass legislation that would require the reservist to serve. Ouppsssss !!!!!!!!!!

There are currently a dozen Quebec reservists deployed to Afghanistan. That means that these ten reservists have chosen to go to the front. Today it was announced that 1080 reserve in eastern Quebec arrived at the training center in Shelby, Mississippi to learn how to make war as if they were in Afghanistan.

"This is not an exercise in preparation for Afghanistan. This exercise is a normal cycle of training, "says Colonel Hébert.

I think, in eastern Quebec's North Shore. Could it be that the boyfriend of the secretary of my "chiropractor" Sept-Iles is one of those reservists in training? If I

Canadian military reservist and that the reason of my involvement was to assist civil authorities in disaster, I worry.

... And if the government voted this famous law ....

Monday, January 1, 2007

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there smoke ... without fire?

I forgot, for the months of January, February, March and April 2007 I cry from my apartment in St. Jerome, the capital of the Laurentians.

I nestled close to the chimneys of the textile Rayonese inc. You know this company that spits fire at full all day and night of the week (even during the night of Christmas). I just can not believe not.

Can anyone tell me if this company is on the list of polueurs?

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Happy 2007 to you all ... Benjamine

As some have noticed, I did not write very often lately. I was also missing virtually participating only little exchange on the Internet.

The reasons for this were first vacation and moving as I had written on a ticket earlier. Moreover, these time, I spent several evenings in and visit one another, responding to invitations to mark the holiday season. No time to blog ....

Since we lived far from our "family", we were missing family celebrations over the past seven years. We lost the "beat" the festivities of the holiday season. I must confess that I missed these meetings. It must be private to the wish.

It was nice to find but also very tiring for the body - the food, the "bouèsson" and shortened hours of sleep. A cocktail very devastating for poor health. But hey! It will rest in the coming days, will return to normal tomorrow.