Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Can Gonorrhea Sympoms Dissapear In 2 Days

indignation you!

indignation you! I can not find more beautiful wish for everyone at the start of the second decade of the twenty-first. Indignant you! That's the rallying cry for the human cause of Mr. 93 years: Stéphane Hessel which just launched in the ambient conformism and despair a scathing 30-page 3 euros to read and offer without moderation. A booklet that has the vigor and aplomb of the youth of this great resistance, deported, after which escaped became a diplomat to the United Nations and as such participated in the commission to develop "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights". And Mr.
writing, a little over sixty years later: The man who can rely neither power nor a god , must undertake on behalf of its responsibility Person human . It calls for creating, repeating the words thrown at the sixtieth anniversary of the National Council of Resistance, genuine insurrection against peaceful means mass communication that do not offer that as the horizon mass consumption, the contempt for the weakest and culture, generalized amnesia and excessive competition of all against all . And it reminds
about the CNR program is telling us: these principles and values we need now more than ever. It behooves us all together to ensure that our society is a society in which we are proud of: the company not undocumented, expulsions, suspicions against immigrants, not this society that challenges pensions, Social Security acquired, not this society where the media are in the hands of the wealthy ... We dare say that the state can no longer cover the costs of these measures citizens. But how can he miss today's money to maintain and extend these gains while the production of wealth has increased considerably since the Liberation, a period when Europe was ruined? Otherwise, because the power of money, so fought the Resistance, has never been greater, insolent, selfish, with his own servants into the highest echelons state. Banks are now privatized first show conscious of their dividend, and very high salaries of their leaders, not the public interest. The gap between the poorest and richest has never been greater, and the race for money, and competition as encouraged ...
Here is a book whose thoughts and reflections humanists do much good, which ends with the beautiful flight:
create is to resist. To resist is to create . Enough to occupy the new year and the following ...


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