Monday, December 27, 2010

Letter Welcoming New Church Embers

I followed for six years writing workshops with a teacher of the most exceptional Claudine Thibaudeau.

Claudine Thibaudeau is a precious friend. This venerable lady of life experience helped me to shape the writer I am, she advised me, corrected, encouraged, shown towards professionalism. We discussed various topics. Over time, our affinity crossed, hand in hand, the generation gap.
I miss those meetings, exchanges.

Although his vocation education spans decades, his career as a writer has just been initiated, with an autobiographical novel: Daughter of the castle, and a collection poems: When I enter in my job dead. Like what it is never too late to do! A month ago, I once again had the privilege of attending the launch. This time, I helped her honor as a student with the reading of short text. Here it is.

Tribute designed to be concise Claudine

It is these encounters that influence a lifetime. As
impetus came from the random, large outbreaks of humility and excellence;
Winds generous guide to the best paths to learning;
An outstretched hand fate;
Formerly unknown, became mentor Master
Foyer shares
Planter patient authors fallow; Goldsmith
a youth
A voice in the heart chime resonates a sweet friendship
A reassuring presence beyond time and distance
My model, my hero
So many elements in a single woman
Claudine Thibaudeau embodies them all

I now invite you to discover the author ...


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