Monday, December 13, 2010

How To Ollie Easy Tech Deck

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Paradoxes of Leon Bellefleur

I contemplated several non-figurative works and my choice was that of artist Léon Bellefleur. The work of Mr. Bellefleur occupies pages forty-six and forty-seven Summer 1982 issue of the journal Magazine'Art: it is on this subject I write abstract. Consider this simple exercise would be a lie, I left the image in my head to sleep until she comes of itself inspire me, just for one night just before sleep overtakes me . So I try to translate my words without much inspiration in the chaos let settle. In this Dec. 13, the day writing workshop, my pencil has great difficulty in following my ideas, as they burst and shoving in my head, just like paint strokes to the canvas Bellefleur.

This work appeared to me the paradox: death and life, beauty and ugliness, storm and calm.

First, death. I had in mind a scene as I had seen in movies: the dying eyes shut on life, death and open onto connected then luminescent images: a prismatic vortex gives way to a passage infinity. It is happening at a tremendous velocity, like the soul was sucked into a black hole en route to the afterlife. Then, nothing. An eternal night. In this scenario

often explored and exploited, I transplanted mine: my pictures, my impressions. Agree to let the curtain fall, agree a passage route in an explosion of light - as if I was spinning at full speed in an alley of trees for Christmas. The first sensation of dying would be like trying an extreme ride for the first time: I'm afraid and I am overwhelmed by the speed. But once past the first plunge, confidence builds, I recognize the look of the ride safe and I can let go. The frenetic whirlwind

perhaps stunning, even attacking the limit. I would like close your eyes, but my body no longer mine. My heart flutters in the afterlife. It is both disturbing and fascinating. Then, like a TV appeal by a wave foreign arise before me pictures intermittent brittle, vague or precise; feelings and emotions all too intertwined. Memories appear and march through the mess without any regard for chronological order. Debris out of memory as a powerful shower of asteroids. This is the good old cliché of "film of his life as it unfolds at full speed, only the head assembly is of gross incompetence.

The moment apprehended approach ... the eternal calm after the wild ride. But what kind of peace? Nothingness? The place, however, seems familiar: the black ink is peppered with white ... space! So that's it, die? Floating in the sidereal space? Adrift in the sea of infinity? Be one with the universe? I realize more than ever that I am a speck among many others, one down from the sky almanac, fallen to earth. I atom, I became Ash and I am stardust.

Yet, the sadness does not add to this observation. I feel light and everything is so peaceful here! I do not hurt anymore, I no longer cold and I'm not tired. The concerns of humanity does affect me more. How I want to explore this new dimension!

time, great enemy of mortals, was dissolved in the cosmos.

I focus a bit and noticed that the configuration of the stars has changed around me. Thus, in thought, I come and go in the vastness? What a discovery! I'm going to explore this vast territory. Sedentary I was on earth, the stars I'll cape. He had to die to change your life!

Since the announcement under the paradoxical aspect of the text, I also see life in the table of Mr. Bellefleur. A less poetic life: disease. Is it the influence of my cold, or artistic event that reminds me reminds me of the virus that lives in me. Brushstrokes evoke in me the ruthless assault of light, images, sounds or movements, screaming, on my way. The virus, He rejoices, he feels strong and powerful. He torments my sinuses, my head, my eyes and even my skin. The entire table looks strangely thick fog from my brain. A fog of discomfort on my accomplice carnal contaminated ... And burdened by fatigue caused by a succession of sleepless nights when I was too busy to unblock my nose plumbing to sleep. When the yellow pigments ... I pass comment.

Is not it natural, after all, talking about the infinitely small (viruses) after speaking of the infinitely large (universe)? These elements belong together like good and evil.

Also dependent on each other as two living organisms such as the organic-in this case human-microbial and virus-bacteria of all kinds. Of course, the coexistence of these organizations is more destructive than constructive because one feeds the other to survive. Result: to gain strength, "the guest" weakened "the host". Let's talk antibodies: In order to protect against certain diseases, you must be ill, or injected into the contaminated substance. Ironic, no?

It is difficult not to make a parallel with humans: our planet has given all its resources to give life to parasites, in return, destroy and destroy themselves. Of creation is born of destruction, and until the complete disappearance of any species landed. How many contradictions in this world!

And while the planet dies, another is light years from us, is being born. Fascinating as cycle! It gives a little dizzy ... all because of an artist named Leon Bellefleur!

Nathalie Benoit


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