Monday, December 13, 2010

Lines From Famous Speeches

Ode to those I am not

Standing, mothers of Acadia!
Noella Arsenault-Cameron and Madeleine Costa-Petitpas

Will. To insist; want at a price. Want, to, power and hope. Of these four verbs, one emanates a scent of gold passivity, the action is not expected liabilities. Hope has the will, anticipation, anxiety, excitement ... and sometimes disappointment. A range of emotions more significant than a simple lexical field, stronger than a definition in the Petit Robert. The hope is wanting, and wanting to do and often leads to power.

Take Action. Noella Arsenault-Cameron and Madeleine Costa-Petitpas, two mothers Acadian from Prince Edward brought the ftandard of their language and cultural identity to the Supreme Court
They wanted a French school for their children, for children in the community of Summerside and for generations to come. They wanted a survival beyond their family units.

Against all odds, they claimed, gathered, surveyed, documented, fought in courts of law a more just allow education in their mother tongue. On their quest, the kids were sent into the neighboring county and had allowed one hour away by bus from their cottage to school. Noella and Madeleine could not stop there: they were eager to keep their children near them, while keeping them educated in their own language.

The case quickly took a significant propensity: the Canadian Supreme Court. This crusade did not suit everyone. Such a cause created a real controversy among citizens Summerside. Within their community, Francophone, fierce opponents. What right do they dare to waste their tax dollars with such a trifle?
If they were so unhappy they had to relocate in the county of Evangeline!

First round, they approach the goal, but fail to knock out the verdict on appeal brought by the defense, the case was refused. Dismay, tears, feelings of failure. Too few people to support them; alienation from their peers has driven a wedge between the city and themselves.

Second round: victory euphoria. Results obtained from painful sacrifices: the sidelong glances, hostile comments and venomous. Even their personal life suffers. They have crossed

a sea tormented by the winds of prejudice and malice, pollution and bureaucratic government hypocrisy, as what in this beautiful bilingual country from coast to coast, not all have the same rights, even acquired. They have rowed constantly reaching their shores, and finally one day, rest with the feeling of accomplishment in consciousness.

What one believes is right awakens by both virulent dissent among our natural allies. Do stop believing in itself becomes an arduous task, like swimming against the current.

Since this commitment were children involved, no battle on the battlefield does not seem too desperate for a legitimate or mother.

Acadian Two mothers, on a remote island in the sea, wanted to stand up to offer the world to their children. It was enough to try.


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