Monday, December 13, 2010

Does Warband Work For Mac


The Selenites

The Paris February 17, 1873

I am writing to reassure you. I doubt that you worry about me. But to tell you frankly, I do not understand why you complain about my long silence, my "wild stories". It is obvious that you're laughing at me.

I do not ask you to understand me and even less of me believe. But you're the only person whom I trust. You alone are worthy of trust because I know you would not think a minute to myself locked. I always defer to you and only you.

is again because of the Selenite. Yes yes, them again! I managed to have a meeting with their king's chamberlain. However, since I myself have a hard time convincing me to leave their world and regain my own, how then convince them to let me go? I therefore wrote my own little list of "pros" and "cons" - the "cons" of course being that the world to which I belong I'm missing. I miss you too, I am neither unfair nor ungrateful. And yet, the list of reasons to stay among the people of the moon goes far beyond the reasons for leaving.

However, Selenites me so welcome among them and I have forged solid relationships ... well, I met the perfect man (my husband). And what better place is there, otherwise it --- to start a family? The moon is a place rich and prosperous. Their unique silks put East to the bankruptcy, even as the blue glow of these fabrics would fade Pierrot himself envy. Evenings, dances, fairs, costume parties ... my house and my hammock between two willows ... really, you want me to be so happy? Who would not want a life like mine?

I forbid you to call me a dreamer, my MV ...! You're not one to lecture me on the imagination of some women too: one has only to read what you publish. This lunar

people is also true that people around me. The moon, I also visited many times. I have been so often criticized. That's why I have elected domicile is my world and no one can drive me.

Contrary to what one might think the moon is not so far. I have only my elbows on the window and look up the sky. I even see my friends up there, make me sign. With that, I leave you, for fear of boring you to death. I embrace you, my dear Jules and order you not to worry if I do not answer when you knock on my door. Although



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