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Ode to those I am not

Women heroines of the world

Earth and its revolutions and its humanity revolts. What

humans inhabit this world! Many lives for so many stories to tell. These stories travel the globe, according to the trends, interests of humanity. We know now that we are no longer alone on the earth, then, in the meantime, we tell us. Births, deaths, wars, mutual aid, home and estate. Sneaky, lying sometimes slips between the pages where the story is written in the present tense.

Without being immortalized in the "great books" of women committing heroic acts, historical, small or large scale. They are all fighting: national, municipal, or personal. They will win, they sacrifice, their victories will be ours as well.

is the story of women around the world have with the word "courage" in my consciousness.

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In crusade for a treehouse

Needless to search us grasp this history the stereotype of the poor sick grandmother in bed and vulnerable to prowlers of the forest. This true story about a real hero army of speech and firmness of character. His opponent is a band of officers with long teeth, ready to attack with their zealous enforcement of bylaws. A fight between these two forces of nature is to be expected. At stake: the freedom to build a treehouse. The noble cause: the grandchildren of the lady.

A very popular playground for children, the tree house is home to the imagination, confidences, complicity, friendship. This is the secret hiding place, the haunt of the booty, the sacred ties to consolidate what is more, built by a "grandmother" in love with her offspring, who has kept his child's heart. But now it is illegal to erect a structure to his property and said structure, embarrassing, will be destroyed. The ardent

grandmother was not of that opinion and chose the resistance against the acceptance of injustice and absurdity of the situation: it chains every day at lunchtime to prove his opposition. Fortunately, she can count on the support of his fellow citizens of other residents of Sylvan Lake have rebelled against the excessive zeal of some city administrators. These sanctuaries have a long childhood and never bothered anyone. Why deal with an honest civil little banal building whose only value is the investment in materials? These gentlemen and ladies-so quick to enforce laws they did not do better than to require the demolishing of a modest home Scots?

If the municipal law is inflexible, our heroine is as Alberta. She circulated a petition and harvesting two thousand signatures of citizens together. If necessary, it is ready to present his case to the provincial court and even to higher authorities. Gail Armstrong is a grandmother lioness, ready to fight against anyone, in the interests of her offspring. This will not be a wolf or a staff member who will intimidate. If someone touches its Territories Business, she fiercely defends.

Nathalie Benoit,
On November 11, 2003


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