Monday, December 13, 2010

Install Tile Panel Bath

A moose in downtown

(Mtl, PC) Yesterday evening, Montrealers have been the surprise of their lives when in rush hour, a moose escaped from a traveling zoo at the Old Port of Montreal emerges in full jam on Notre Dame. The animal, apparently disoriented, has tacked between many vehicles locked bumper to bumper, but has caused little Degas. With the help of local police and wildlife officials, officials of the massive beast of six hundred pounds have identified and controlled using a dart gun tranquilizer.

********************************************* ***************** How curious

forest! Trees have many strange forms "and they do not move in the wind. As ants are huge and they move without legs! The only quadrupeds here look nothing like my brothers and friends of the undergrowth, where are the moose, deer, hares and bears? Have I been the victim of a hunter? Am I dead? Although fascinating, this beyond wild animals would hardly seems inviting. It's noisy, dirty, dull, full of humans, birds are rude and the air is stifling. I'm outta here! But what do I see in the distance? A mountain, topped by a strange human structure? Perhaps it is the "Eternal Mountain" where my parents, brothers and cousins waited for the last major crossing Lake family.
Perhaps-who knows-the hostile place where I find myself is that purgatory moose, to test my fortitude on the road to paradise. I'll show them what I can do! I go through this ordeal with dignity, like a real man, not as a young buck, still unable to mark his territory without taking the antlers in the branches. My destination does not seem so far away. I shall succeed if I can sneak in without me problems between the giant ants and trees without life. Here, my neck and bites me ... who are these two bipedal steps from me?

- We got the guy, "exclaimed a man!

- Yes yes, we have located the moose on the corner of St-urban and Notre Dame, announced the other on a radio transmitter. You can bring the vehicle, he will not go away with the tranquilizer.

Oh no, the men caught up with me! I'm trying my luck to the Sacred Mountain ... if I could get rid of this numbness ... the strange sensation of well-being ...

Once Goliath, moose tame a wild animal shelter was installed in the truck, drivers stuck in the traffic jam began again to breathe and workers who witnessed this scene unusual, returned to work. Of course, the spectacular escape of the animal at the center was THE topic of conversation in recent days and had made headlines throughout Quebec. The whole province was the scent of adventure and speculation was rife on this adventure.

Meanwhile, shelter, Goliath had regained consciousness and recognized with amazement tinged with joy the trees, plants, the woodland, wetland and ferns from its natural environment.

- All this was it only a dream? Have I imagined all this, he wondered? He then began to sniff the air with delight full of chlorophyll and the smell of pine and eventually concluded that, in dreams or in reality, the mysterious world of humans was not for moose.

Nathalie Benoit
The October 14, 2003


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